Health Psychology Services
At the forefront of delivering unique, quality, personalised healthcare services
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Introduction for Health Psychologists
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Led by: Sasha Cain, C. Psychol. AFBPsS
Who is this course for?
This course is aimed at qualified Health Psychologists, and those in training wishing to develop basic CBT knowledge and theraputic skills and how to integrate CBT theory into a health psychology assessment and formulation to enhance their health psychology practice and intervention delivery.
What will be covered by the course?
This course will cover two main areas:
1. The Cognitive Behavioural Model applied to Physical Healthcare:
What is the evidence base for using CBT within physical health management?
What is the CBT Model and can it be applied within physical healthcare?
Using Health Psychology models to structure a CBT-Health Psychology assessment and formulation.
What is a CBT-Health Psychology assessment and formulation?
Utilising CBT process skills such as Socratic Questioning and Guided Discovery to enhance your Health Psychology assessment and formulation?
2. Adapting CBT practice for physical healthcare sessions:
Emotional, cognitive, medical and environmental challenges for delivering CBT in physical healthcare settings.
Using CBT resources, techniques and homework within physical health settings.
How will this course help me?
We aim for attendees to gain a comprehensive understanding of utilising basic Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) in physical healthcare practice. This includes being able to:
To describe the basic Cognitive Behavioural Model and its application for managing physical health.
To describe the basic CBT assessment and formulation methods and their relevance to working with individuals with physical health conditions.
To understand key CBT skills relevant to working with physically ill clients.
To understand how CBT can be adapted for working with physically ill clients.
To identify key changes in clinical practice to be implemented within their current role.