2025 AHPC Conference Video Recording Access Only
SCPS Applied Health Psychology Conference: An Online UK Conference
This Conference Option includes:
- Viewing Only of the Conference video-recording(s) (which will be made available for delegates to watch as soon as possible after the conference- approx. 1 week after the conference date). They will receive the conference programme and will be included in (and will receive a copy of) the delegates contact list so that they can network with attendees.
-Delegates for video only viewing will not be able to log into the Conference, they cannot interact with the presenters nor ask questions on the Conference day. They will not be included in any networking events on the training day. They will be contacted after the conference with the details of how to access the recording(s) from the conference day.
Trainee bookings
If you are making a booking on a trainee rate then you must contact SCPS on info@scpsconsulting.com with the name and institution of your postgraduate psychology course that you are currently enrolled on.
SCPS Privacy Notice
SCPS Privacy Notice: Before you purchase your training place please read our GDPR compliant Privacy Notice detailing how the data that you provide to us to purchase your place is secured. Email addresses are added to our marketing database unless requested to be removed.
SCPS Intellectual Property
SCPS Intellectual Property: The materials that are provided as part of this event are the copyright and IP of SCPS Consulting LTD. They are for personal use only and not to be copied, shared or distributed in whole or part to another person or organisation without the permission of SCPS.