Live Online HP Professional Development Session 12th Dec 2023 pm
Taking place in the afternoon of 12th Dec from 1.30-5pm, this 1/2 day session is hosted by SCPS Director Sasha Cain, Consultant Health Psychologist and is designed to give you a space away from work to explore the challenges and reflect on your advanced Health Psychology Practice.
This session focusses on reviewing your practice in light of the new 2023 HCPC Standards of Proficiency. We will talk through changes, implications for practice and help you to plan for changes that you need to make to bring your practice in line with the new expectations.
NOTE: Current recipients of ongoing Supervision from SCPS can select the discount option. For clarity, this does not apply to non-qualified supervisees, to people who have one off career or supervision sessions or to people who have received supervision sessions in the past but are not currently receiving supervision. SCPS reserve the right to refuse a discount that has been applied for. Please contact Elizabeth on if you have any queries.
Training Bookings: T&Cs
Training Bookings Terms & Conditions: Before you purchase your training place please read our Training Terms & Conditions - this includes information about cancellations and refunds.
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SCPS Privacy Notice: Before you purchase your training place please read our GDPR compliant Privacy Notice detailing how the data that you provide to us to purchase your place is secured. Email addresses are added to our marketing database unless requested to be removed.
SCPS Intellectual Property
SCPS Intellectual Property: The training materials that are provided as part of this course are the copyright and IP of SCPS Consulting LTD. They are for personal use only and not to be copied, shared or distributed in whole or part to another person or organisation without the permission of SCPS.