Health Psychology Services
At the forefront of delivering unique, quality, personalised healthcare services
Service Review, Improvement & Training
SCCH delivers a "Service for One"​©​
Our innovative approach to reviewing and improving health services is driven by our expertise as Health Psychologists. We take a personalised perspective on all levels of system change, because we know that all health services are fundamentally driven by individual behavioural change.
How can we help?​
Every health service is delivered by individuals and received by individuals. Therefore we design a package of solutions that maximises service delivery and improvement by personalising interventions to change the psychological, behavioural and organisational factors that we identify as contributing to service inefficiency.​

What types of issues can be addressed?
Staff behaviour change: Staff who are not implementing best practice, e.g. handwashing
Service user change: Challenging user groups/patients who over attend services/clinics taking up time and resources.
System behaviour change: New policies and practices (i.e. incident reporting) that are being sporadically implemented in practice.​
Bespoke training: Implementing best practice
​​Your b​espoke training can be tailored to a range of services, health care professionals and settings, either as part of your service review or as a stand alone training commission. Training can cover generic topics such as models of health behaviour change, cognitive behavioural therapy for physical health or more specific areas such as how to increase adherence to medicines.
Multi-package training events can be provided to combine clinical skills training with ongoing supervision support. Your staff can also access our annual programme of training that reflects developments in current research and its application to healthcare outcomes.
Tell us more about your specific service review and training needs & how we can tailor our review services for you.