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Opportunities to present your work

Opportunities to present your work

Present your work at this year's conference. From teaching to therapeutic case studies, all applied practice is welcome!

CPD Opportunity

CPD Opportunity

Hear from HP practitioners about their work

Pre-record your presentation

Pre-record your presentation

Not everyone feels comfortable to present live, or you may not be able to attend on the day of the conference.

Reduce barriers to conference attendance

Reduce barriers to conference attendance

Accessible to anyone with an internet connection

Low Cost Conference

Low Cost Conference

Virtual Conferences allow costs to be managed and reduce your expenditure.

Log in from home

Log in from home

Reducing travel costs by joining us online

Online Conference

Online Conference

Present your work to other Health Psychologists

4th Practitioner Applied Health Psychology Conference 2025

Provisional Date:

Thursday 23rd October 2025 Online Conference



The Practitioner Applied Health Psychology Conference is the leading event in the UK showcasing the best practice of applied Practitioner Health Psychologists and those in training.


You have until August to complete the work to present at #ahpc2025 - start planning now!


This 1 day conference held ONLINE, provides a dedicated and unique forum for the presentation on a wide range of applied health psychology practice issues. The #AHPC2025 is calling for presentations on all areas of applied Health Psychology. Presentations should also highlight how you have integrated anti-discriminatory practice (find out more about protected characteristics).

Your presentation could focus on service development, audit and review, clinical service outcomes and case studies, ethical practice challenges, translating applied research into health psychology practice and adapting health psychology models to be anti-discriminatory. 


The conference draws together professionals with an interest in Applied Health Psychology from a wide range of experiences and backgrounds including public health, local authorities, charities/ third sector organisations, the NHS, social care, private healthcare, consultancy, independent practice and the commercial sector.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Conference presentations are not required to focus on 'data' or traditional outcome reporting. Practitioners present on topics that are inherently of interest to those working in applied health psychology practice delivering and working with real-world client groups/ populations and problems.


Case Study Presentaations: #ahpc conference encourages people to present case studies, which are focused on client facing work, either one client over time, or cross clients with similar treatment issues. Read our guide on making a case study presentation: 

Abstract Submission Open!

(The submission form includes an immersive reader)

      Deadline = Aug 1st 2025        

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