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Certificate Programmes in Applied Health Psychology (AHP) Knowledge & Skills




Want to show employers you have been trained & assessed in HP therapeutic knowledge & clinical skills?

Want to increase your confidence in your HP Therapeutic Knowledge and Skills?

Want to receive feedback and validation from experienced Applied HPs?


The two Certificates of AHP Therapeutic Practice Knowledge and Skills support MSc Students/ Graduates, Trainee & Qualified Health Psychologists with training, assessment and validation of your HP therapeutic Practice. Basic enrollment requirement to have previously completed an MSc in Health Psychology (or imminently), ensuring you have an (assessed) basic Health Psychology understanding.

Our Certificate courses then provide specialist applied knowledge, training and assessment to supplement this.


Prices include PayPal Fee. *Fee including 1hr of personal coaching for each training event.

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1. ONLINE Certificate in AHP Therapeutic Practice KNOWLEDGE: £580/£860* 


The certificate consists of 42 training hours (gained from completing 4 of our foundation training courses below) plus 1 piece of written coursework showing the integration of knowledge within the context of applied practice. All components can now be completed online, flexible to your availability.


Component 1: Complete all of the following SCCH Consulting foundation training: (inc. in cost)


Component 2: Complete one of the therapeutic approaches training events: (inc. in cost)


Component 3: Submit a 3,000 word essay: (inc. in cost)

  • Summarising how the knowledge base from the training will be integrated into your Health Psychology practice.


​On enrollment, candidates will receive assessment criteria for completing the Essay &, to support you in meeting the guidelines, we provide guidance for essay content. Essays are assessed within 30 days of submission.


If you have already completed Components 1 & 2 through separate training bookings, apply for the certificate by emailing If eligible, you can submit the essay for assessment as above (cost £250)

2. Certificate in AHP Therapeutic Practice SKILLS: £1,656


This certificate can be completed within 1-year and consists of 42 training hours (gained from therapeutic practice and supervision) plus 2 pieces of assessed coursework and a practice Log. Participants will need to have a client placement allowing face-to-face contact in order to complete the coursework. 


Completing the Skills Certificate Programme will take you on a wonderful journey of learning, reflection, & development. We hope that this will be a confidence building, positive and rewarding life experience for you.

Once you are assessed by SCPS Consulting to have met the qualifying standard & receive your Certificate, you will have an objective validation of your therapeutic Health Psychology Skills, which adds to your CV & job applications. 


Components of Assessment: (inc. in cost)

  • 6 hours of supervised practice with SCPS HP & Completed Log.

  • 5,000 word case study report evaluating practice for 1 completed client.

  • A 3000 word transcript report.

  • Practice Log: certifying a minimum of 4 individual clients and 36 hours of therapeutic practice undertaken.​


Note: To be eligible for this skills certificate, participants must have either completed the Knowledge Certificate (above) or equivalent. After enrolling, Candidates making a case for equivalent therapeutic knowledge training should map their evidence onto our Knowledge Certificate course outlines & submit this to SCPS Consulting within 30 days.


​On Enrollment, Candidates will receive assessment criteria for completion of each Assessed Component of the Skills Certificate &, to support you in meeting the guidelines, we provide structures & formats for Reports & Logs. Submissions will be assessed within 60 days of all Components being submitted.

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3. Certificate in AHP Therapeutic Practice KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS: £2,236/ £2,516*


This certificate consists of 84 training hours including all of the content of the Certificate 1: Knowledge and Certificate 2: Therapeutic Skills to provide a comprehensive package of introductory knowledge & skills assessment and certification.


This Certificate is appropriate for both trainees and qualified Health Psychologists who have completed their MSc, undertaking their doctorate/stage 2 training to those who are qualified and working in applied practice. This training combines all of the elements of Certificates 1 & 2 above to ensure that you have a high quality knowledge base and validation of your skills. To enroll in this Certificate you will need to have a face to face client placement in place by the time that you start the skills element of the programme.


Components of Assessment:

Stage 1:

  • Evidence of 42 knowledge based training hours (refer to certificate 1)

  • 3,000 word essay showing integration of knowledge into your practice & CPD

Stage 2:

  • 6 hours of supervised practice with SCPS Health Psychologist (inc. in the certificate cost) & Completed Log.

  • 5,000 word case study report evaluating practice for 1 completed client

  • A 3000 word transcript report.

  • A Practice Log (minimum of 4 clients & logging 36 therapeutic practice)


​On Enrollment, Candidates will receive assessment criteria for completion of each Assessed Component of the Skills Certificate as well as guidelines for Essay, Report and Log structures, to support you in meeting the guidelines. Submissions will be assessed within 60 days of all Components being submitted.

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