Health Psychology Services

At the forefront of delivering unique, quality, personalised healthcare services
Our values
​Not everyone with diabetes manages their diet, not every teenager wants to drink alcohol, not everyone that has a heart attack returns to work, not everyone that is prescribed medication takes them...Why?​
These individual differences inspire us to develop innovative, personalised interventions valuing and engaging with every Individual. If we understand an Individual's thinking patterns, the psychological rationale behind their behaviour then we can help them to motivate, change and maintain new and positive health behaviours. Traditionally health campaigns have attempted to widely apply strategies (e.g. health education; "finger wagging" and fear messages) to diverse populations assuming that the common factor between them (e.g. pregnant smokers), means that they all think the same way. The effect of these campaigns is typically small as they fail to address people as individuals.

We value Individuals being able to think freely about their health choices and decisions, opening minds to different options, gaining control of their lives, developing confidence in their skills, being able to challenge assumptions about their future and have insight into how thoughts influence their health behaviour.

Our philosophy is simple; meaningful, useful, effective services and programmes that innovatively engage individuals to change health behaviours long-term.
The Company Director is registered as a Practitioner Psychologists with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and a Chartered Psychologist and Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society (BPS). With high professional and ethical standards which are driven by strict codes of conduct, valuing the profession of Psychology, a dedication to the science and with a commitment to helping every Individual, our clients and the public.​