Health Psychology Services

At the forefront of delivering unique, quality, personalised healthcare services
Company bios
Sasha Cain, Company Owner, Chartered Psychologist
HCPC Registered Psychologist,
Fellow of The British Psychological Society

I have worked in Health and Social Care since 1998, I began my Psychology Career in General Psychology Services moving into preventative health and public health in 2002 and becoming a Consultant Health Psychologist in 2004. I moved into full time independent practice in 2012.
Click on the tabs below for info about my background, experience & SCPS Consulting.
1998 to 2012
Employment Years
I first worked in health & social care in older adults nursing and care homes; moving to the NHS and working in General Psychology (Older Adults, Family Therapy, Service Audit, Service Development) and then into learning disabilities psychology services.
In 2002 I moved into leading services, starting with small behaviour change services and then developing new services until I was leading a large multi-disciplinary service with a £1m budget. During this time I focused on integrating health psychology models and principles into services & on providing training opportunities for health psychologist in applied practice. I developed my commissioning skills, as well as providing therapeutic services. I developed the first NHS paid Health Psychology stage 2 training programme jointly with City University, London.
In 2004 I was appointed as an NHS Consultant Health Psychologist. I also began voluntary work inputting into the work of my Professional Body & National Regulator (The British Psychological Society and HCPC).
My professional input has included assessing European & Overseas applications for professional recognition; developing & delivering training and networking events for Health Psychologists, leading on development of Consultant level Psychology roles; negotiating with the Governments Workforce Review team, making the case for Health Psychology paid training places & raising awareness of the crucial roles played by Health Psychologists in the NHS. I was the Health Psychology representative on the UK UNITE Psychology Committee.
2012- Ongoing
Independent Practice: SCCH and SCPS Consulting
In 2012 I moved full time into independent practice, developing a Health Psychology Partnership (then into an LLP) & then SCPS Consulting LTD.
Over this period I have expanded my expertise across all areas of Health Psychology Practice & business development. Now in my second decade of private practice, I have a track record of delivering a number of public, private and third sector services (therapeutic service delivery, training, supervision, service development & evaluation). I enjoy identifying opportunities for collaboration & using Health Psychology to take a product to another level. During this time I established a network, & then a National Conference, for applied health psychologists, the first of it's kind in the UK, the most recent, held in 2024 with a focus on integrating Equity, Diversity and Inclusion into our practice. In 2017 I was awarded the British Psychology Society Practitioner of the Year Award, recognising my work in independent practice.
Professional Roles: I was elected Chair of the British Psychological Society Division of Health Psychology. The first practitioner to hold this role (2015). I am a BPS National Assessor & HCPC Partner.
In my second decade of private practice I now focus on providing supervision, training and consultancy. Drawing on my track record of delivering many services on behalf of public, private and third sector organisations; including therapeutic service delivery, training, supervision, service development and evaluation. Specialising in raising awareness of, and promoting, inclusive practice in health psychology and on integrating difference and discrimination into HP therapeutic practice.
Company Experience
Contracts, Expertise & Track Record
With more than a decade of business, SCPS Consulting LTD has considerable expertise across Health Psychology specialties.
Commissioned Services: The Company has secured & delivered multi-year public sector contracts to develop and deliver services (staff-support, bariatric services, cancer, long-term conditions and preventative health). Evaluation of our services have shown the high quality of our and outcomes we achieve and led to all of our contracts being been extended by the commissioners. View our clients here.
Training: SCPS remains the dedicated providers of Applied Health Psychology Therapeutic training in the UK. We have been commissioned by postgraduate Universities, Council's and NHS Trusts across the UK. Since 2020 we have focused on online and self-directed provision. Our trainee's have really appreciated being able to learn from home and reduce the costs of travel and venues. The new formats have consistently achieved significant increases in knowledge and skills.
Supervision: As one of the most experienced applied Health Psychologist's in the UK, Company Director, Sasha Cain, provides high quality professional Health Psychology supervision as part of our core services. As the largest provider of supervision to Health Psychologists & trainees we are in a unique position to be able to advise and guide on a very broad & in-depth range of day-to-day practice. The Company provides Supervision to Organisations for their staff (including input into PDP) & Privately Funded Supervision (employed & self-employed people).
The Company has expertise in working with practitioners in the following areas of practice: Pain management, Bariatric Psychology, General Hospital Psychology Services (across specialisms), Thyroid Specialism, IAPT and Private Practice, long-term conditions (e.g. ME, pain, long-COVID, MSK, Sickle Cell, Eczema), Lifestyle Services (smoking, alcohol, weight management), Hypertension, Stroke, Older Adults (isolation & long-term condition management), pharma interventions, primary care.
In 2018, the SCPS Director received the Practitioner of the Year Award, recognising the Companies work: developing interventions for Long-term Conditions & novel methods for reviewing Public Health/ Local Authority STP plans & organising a National Applied HP Conference.
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Learn more about our Therapeutic Health Psych Services.​
Company Origins

​​​​A Founding Partner of SCCH Consulting (forerunner of SCPS Consulting), working with the Company until until 2020. Background as Consultant Lead Health Psychologist and CBT Therapist in NHS physical health services (previously Head of Psychology, Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Trust). Expertise & experience provided have fed into the products offered by SCPS Consulting e.g. training.