Health Psychology Services

At the forefront of delivering unique, quality, personalised healthcare services

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Preventative Health
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Led by: Sasha Cain, C.Psychol. AFBPsS, Consultant Health Psychologist

Who is this course for?
This course is for qualified Health Psychologists and those in training, who have some basic knowledge of CBT theory, wishing to use CBT to enhance health psychology intervention delivery for preventative health.

What will be covered by this course?
The course will cover two areas;
How can CBT contribute to Preventative Health Management?
What works in Health Psychology for preventative health?
What is the evidence base for using CBT within preventative health?
Which CBT skills and techniques are most useful for managing and enhancing physical healthcare outcomes?
Using Health Psychology and CBT in partnership to assess & formulate interventions
Adapting CBT practice for preventative health sessions:
Emotional, cognitive, medical and environmental challenges for delivering CBT
Using CBT resources, techniques and homework within preventative health settings

How will this course help me?
Our aim is for attendees to explore the use of basic Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) alongside Health Psychology models in preventative health. You should be able to;
Be able to describe the basic CBT Model and its application to managing preventative health.
Be able to describe the basic CBT assessment and formulation methods and their relevance to working with individuals with preventative health.
Be able to determine key CBT skills effective in working with preventative health.
Be able to understand when CBT should be adapted for working within preventative health.
Be aware of ethical, medical and healthcare factors that impact on delivering CBT.
Have identified and action planned key changes to be made in clinical practice.