Health Psychology Services
At the forefront of delivering unique, quality, personalised healthcare services
Health Psychology CPD Training Programme
Each training event has a course outline, click on MORE INFO to read about it.
Our training courses provide a high level of flexibility for learning by delivering a key events online with guidance from Sasha Cain, DIrector SCPS Consulting. Online Live training is cost effective for you as it reduces travel time, costs & accommodation.
To book onto our courses then please go to our Training Shops where you can directly book onto and pay for your course through PayPal. To book training event(s) via workplace credit cards please go to the Training Shop and check out as a guest in PayPal. *Concession prices available for students/trainees on selected package courses.
Motivational interviewing (MI) has been effective in supporting behaviour change e.g. smoking cessation, substance misuse, weight management. This training provides an overview of the MI model and ethos, key skills, techniques and interventions and provides a practical learning opportunity to develop a manualised approach to undertaking MI practice.
CBT has been shown to be highly effective in working with clients that have long term conditions and physical health problems. The evidence is now showing broad impacts of CBT on behaviour change e.g. smoking cessation, substance misuse, weight management and helping clients to adjust and cope with health conditions and treatments. This training provides an overview of the CBT model and ethos, key skills and integrating health psychology into CBT assessments and formulations.
Starting with the basics of ACT, relational frames, Hexaflex and the 6 core processes, this training then moves onto considering integration of ACT into your assessment, formulation and interventions, through use of a clinical case study. The training fits into the components of the "specific therapeutic approaches" section of our knowledge and skills certification.