Health Psychology Services
At the forefront of delivering unique, quality, personalised healthcare services
​"Programme for One"© - the scientific approach to personalised health behaviour change.
​​Our innovative clinical services, programmes and healthcare interventions provide a personalised, tailored approach to helping individuals, communities and medical populations gain healthy lifestyles and cope with medicines, treatments and long-term conditions.
​Why do we focus on the individual?
Because we are all unique! and that means we have a unique set of beliefs, attitudes and experiences that have shaped and influenced our (health) behaviour/s. Segmenting individuals into groups for generic programmes, or "Nudging" people to choose a healthy path, is not effective for developing lasting changes.
How are our Programmes or Services different from others?​
We follow an innovative design process which ensures that we understand each individual's thinking patterns so that we engage with the needs of each individual. We design a unique Programme Journey Formula© (PJF) for each Programme, Service or Healthcare Intervention which determines and customises the personal interventions (within a set of manualised behaviour change and therapeutic techniques) that each client/patient experiences and therefore maximises their abilities and skills to transform and change their health behaviours.
​Our Programmes, services and clinical interventions utilise a package of combined techniques, based on the scientific evidence base, which are tailored to maximise the potential of each individual. Our interventions are developed in according to our clients' service and in collaboration with their team. They can be applied via multi-platforms (e.g. clinical face to face delivery, SmartPhone/ iPad Apps, PC, Print, DVD/Audio) depending on the population, behaviour or service required. Personalised tailored interventions are the gold standard for behaviour change and health outcomes.